
Thursday, January 9, 2020

बूढानिलकण्ठमा आफु चढेको कार दुर्घटना परि एक महिलाको निधन भएपछि, परमिता राणाले गल्ती स्वीकार्दै मागिन् माफी

तलको चित्र मा क्लिक गरि समाचार पढ्नुहोस


गत मङ्सिर २८ गते बूढानिल्कण्ड नगरपालिमा एक कारको ठ क्करले महिलाको ज्या न गएको थियो । मा दक प दार्थ से वन गरेर चलाएको कारले बुढानिलकण्ठ–५ बसपार्क नजिकै महिलालाई ठ क्कर दिएको हो ।
सो कारमा नायिका तथा मोडल परमिता राणा पनि भएको खुलेको छ । कारमा दुई युवक र दुई युवती थिए । अन्यको परिचय खुलेको भएपनि युवती को थिए भन्ने विषयमा प्रहरीले मुख खोलेको थिएन । अहिले परमिता आफैले मुख खोलेकी छिन् । मा दक प दार्थ से वन गरेर चार जना सवार कारले सडकको पेटीमा हिँडिरहेकी गोरखा घर भएकी लिला देवकोटाको निधन भएको थियो ।
दुर्घ टना को समयमा चार जना यात्रु रहेको बताइएको भएपनि प्रहरीले तीन जनाको नाम मात्र सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो । जसमा चालक पृथ्वी मल्ल, यात्रुहरुमा करिश मास्के र एलिना थापाको नाम प्रहरीले खुलाएको थियो । चौथो यात्रु को थिए भन्ने बारे चाहिँ प्रहरी आधिकारिक रुपमा खुलाएको थिएन । समाजिक सञ्जालमा भने चौथो यात्रु परमिता राणा भएको भन्दै चर्चा गरिएको भएपनि पुष्टि भएको थिएन ।
आफूमाथि आ रोप लागे पनि यतिका दिन सम्म राणा भने बोलेकी थिइनन् । सामाजिक सञ्जालमा निकै सक्रिय रहने राणाले त्यसवारे कुनै प्रतिकृया जनाइनन् । अहिले आएर भने राणाले उक्त दिन दुर्घ टना गराउने बा १४ च ६१२३ नम्बरको कारमा आफू पनि सवार रहेको स्वीकार गरेकी छिन् ।
फेसबुक स्टाटस लेख्दै राणाले आफूले बल्ल यो कुरा खुलासा गर्ने हिम्मत जुटाएको भन्दै भन्दै उक्त घट नामा माफी मागेकी छिन् ।
‘सर्वप्रथम म सबैसँग माफी माग्न चाहन्छु । चार जना मानिसले लिएको एक मूर्खतापूर्ण निर्णयले एक निर्दोषको ज्यान गयो,’ उनले लेखेकी छिन्, ‘यो सत्य नहोस् र यो सपना मात्र होस् भन्ने कामना गरे पनि उक्त कार भित्र म पनि एक यात्रु थिएँ । म अझै पनि उक्त घट नाले स्त ब्ध छु । माफी माग्नमा ढिलाइ गरेकोमा मनदेखि माफी क्षमा चाहन्छु ।’
चार सन्तानले आफ्नो प्रिय आमा र एक पतिले आफूलाई साथ दिने पत्नी गुमाएको भन्दै हरेक विहान आफ्नो हृदय र आत्मामा पी डा र शो क लिएर ब्युझने कुरा भगवानलाई मलाई थाहा भएको उल्लेख गरेकी छिन् । ‘अब म कहिल्यै पहिलेको जस्तो व्यक्ति हुनसक्दिनँ,’ उनले लेखेकी छिन् । ‘पी डित परिवार सर्वसाधारण देखाएको प्रति देखाइएको सहानुभूति र साथप्रति म पनि उभिएकी छु,’ उनले स्टाटसमा लेखेकी छिन् ।
उनको स्टाटस जस्ताको तस्तै तल पढ्नुहोस :
Today, I have finally collected all the courage I have left inside me and have decided to tell you all what exactly had happened on 14th December 2019 Saturday morning. First, I would like to apologize and let everyone know how sorry I am. An unwise decision made by four people took a life of an innocent soul. Although I wish it wasn’t true and this was all a bad dream, but I too was one of the passengers inside that car.
I sincerely apologize for being late on doing this because I still am very much traumatized and shocked by the unfortunate incident. A mother of four lost their loving mother and a husband lost his supportive wife.
My life has completely changed after this incident. Only god knows how I wake up every morning with my heart and soul still in anguish and sorrow. I will never be the same person again. I stand in solidarity with the emotions of the public and their empathy for the victim and family. I wish I had realized it sooner that DUI (drinking under influence) is never an option but a responsibility to protect not just ourselves but everyone who may be affected by it.
As I write this with a very heavy heart, it ki’lls me every single moment of my life that an inn’ocent life has been lost. I will live with this pain forever. For those who know me personally know that I would never even hurt a fly. I grew up believing that kindness is the most greatest thing in the world.
As some of you might not know that I lost my father in a car acc”ident when I was just two years old, I have lived with the pain, anger and sorrow for him not being there in my everyday life. I am someone who was brought up by a single mother and I very well know the pain of a family member not being by my side.
I have cried and yearned for my father all my life. Being strong was never an option for me, seeing my mother do her best and work the hardest for my family since childhood made me think that I too have to be like her when I grow up. I have tried to be a strong person all my life. But at the end of the day I am merely a human no matter my status in the society and I too get afraid.
How I wish from the whole of my heart and soul that I could take back this unfor’tunate inci’dent. She could have been anyone, my loved one or myself and it haunts me everyday to realize that I could have asked him to call a driver or a cab and not drive under influence, instead of hopping inside without thinking of the consequences that I have had to learn the hard way.
I abso’lutely unde’rstand the rage and the hate public showered upon me. But I have also come to understand that I too am an human being just like all of us. And I accept the fact that I made a grave mistake which will haunt me forever. But blaming one another won’t bring justice to the deceased and her family.
Yes I got scared and I was completely frozen when the incident happened, I didn’t even know what to do. My mind was completely numb and my ears were ringing. I didn’t even “FLEE” I was still inside the car sho’cked, frozen and traum’atized, while my friend had gotten out of the car to see the commotion. When he came back he saw my state, held my hand and pulled me out of the car and shouted “LEAVE! JUST LEAVE!” I was so much in sh’ock that even when I came out I was sitting next to the car not knowing what to do.
I didn’t even know that a woman had been hit. Then I saw the commotion outside, crossed the road as my heart was racing with fear. I opened my bag and recharged my phone immediately. The first person I called was a responsible guardian as I was too scared to call my mother at that point of time.
Since no one answered my call I sat there at a shops stair case not knowing what to do. My mind was completely blank and in sh’ock. Couple of locals came up to me and asked if I was there inside the car I said yes I was in the car. I was ready to face the conseq’uences as I was right across the street where the acc’ident happened.
I burst into tears not knowing what to do at that point of time. At that very moment a local man on a bike came up to me and said that it wasn’t safe for me to be there. He told me that anything could have happened. At that moment I was horr’ified.
All I was thinking was I wouldn’t want to experience that. The first thing that came in my mind was my mother, she always tells me that she is alive because of me. What would happen to her? What would happen to all the sacr’ifices she made for me in her life? I thought my life was over. After sometime the same man came back with a taxi. Soon after I reached home I called my other friend who told me to leave from there, he told me that the person who was hit is taken to the hospital and they are at the police station.
The person who was driving the car is behind bars since day 1. I then contacted my family lawyer and told him what had happened since he knew that I had tried to harm my self before while in severe stress, advised me to delete all my social media handles and not read what people had to say to me. But I didn’t listen and saw all the hate messages and comments.
I cried, I cried day and night. Then he advised me to block all the negative messages comments that was sent to me. And I did that accordingly. What happened was so wrong and can’t be forgotten. I was cursing myself to have agreed to sit inside that car. The person who was driving is a mutual friend. He was always well behaved and well spoken whenever I met him.
That night too he was well behaved and offered us to have breakfast. I was already starving at that time so I said yes to food. Little did I know that we were going so far and little did I know that this inc’ident would take place. If I had known the future I would have taken a cab home and slept like I always did. Now, many of you know that I love loud music and dancing, it was my therapy. Being a victim of depression isn’t easy but I never complained.
Every time I che’cked social media I felt like ending my life. I was again in the verge of commi’tting sui’cide. If I have ever offended anyone in a personal way, my sin’cere apologies. Sorry from the whole of my heart and soul but creating your own false versions of me when I was silent was not the best thing to do.
I understand venting your anger on me but false accusa’tions and character assassination is something I cannot accept. But I do accept my mistakes and I am fully responsible for it. I apologize to all of you if I have ever done anything wrong. I also know a lot of you were not happy with me when I did a fashion show two days after this inc’ident, I had already given my word and there was no way I could have backed out in the last moment.
Getting on that car was a choice, leaving the scene and walking the ramp wasn’t. I may have kept a straight face but I was dying in the inside that particular day. Knowing the fact that I lost my father in an acc’ident made me fear acc’idents all my life, that is why I was so frozen and traumatized when I could have done something.
Every day I regret the fact that I was involved in some’thing so traum’atizing some’thing which should never have happened. I learned my lesson in such a horrific way. And I know a lot of people in-fact friends who used to drive around ktm city early morning after a night out, PLEASE PLEASE I BEG YOU not to do so.
Anyone could have been in my position. I don’t want any lives lost anymore. I never wanted bad for anyone else, I was never judgmental, I was always forgiving. And I think we as humans should be more forgiving and less judgmental towards each other. What happened was very wrong and It ki’lls me every time. But most importantly, I would like to pray for Leela Devkota’s soul to rest in peace and I would like to apologize to the family and people who cherished her the most.

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